Category / Business Analysis / Business Strategies / Market Analysis / Presenting / Software Development / Systems Analysis / Translating / Writing

Translated the material, usually from Chinese into English

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  • Global Trade: Food and Wine

    for Straw Hat Trading Company, LLC Global trade in wines and specialty food products was trending up in 2012. The demand for European and American wines in China was high. Canadian and Australian wines were at the top of Chinese buyer's lists. Market timing seemed good. The company partners began preparations for an initial product…
  • Custom Drupal CMS

    for Wudang Research Association We established our site in 1996. The original site had limited depth and used image maps to handle navigation. Images were the only way to assure a consistently correct display of Chinese characters on our home page. We have made numerous changes over the years. The current version of our site…
  • Medical Textbook Article

    Taiji (T'ai Chi) Medical Benefits and Modalities Dr. Donald Novey, M.D. was creating a comprehensive guide to Complimentary and Alternative Medicine for mainstream medical practitioners in the US and Canada. He provided editorial guidelines for each practitioner to explain their modality in language familiar to medical practitioners and in it's own terms. My writing contribution…